This blog introduces the concept of multiplicity, why it is important and offers some techniques for dealing with the issue. When planning a clinical study, lots of thought is... read more →
A clinical trial is often designed to demonstrate that a new treatment is performing better than the currently available treatment. To do this, one must show that there is a... read more →
COVID-19 disruption of clinical trials is likely to result in missing data, disrupted timelines, and perhaps patient population changes. We thought we would dedicate a blog post to the... read more →
In this blog we will discuss a particular type of clinical trial design, the non-inferiority trial. We will explain the difference between non-inferiority trials and more typical clinical trial... read more →
What do ISS & ISE mean? ISS & ISE stand for integrated summary of safety and integrated summary of effectiveness, respectively. These are not merely summaries, as the... read more →