Quantics is proud to maintain an ISO9001 accredited quality management system, meaning we are able to offer GMP-compliant statistics for routine and bespoke statistical analyses.

Our robust, regulator-approved quality management system ensures that we can help prepare your project to GMP standards at every stage, whether that’s early development or approaching regulatory approval.

365 Days

Providing GMP statistics all year round

Same Day Reporting

Same day draft reporting for routine GMP statistical work

QA Report

Ready for use QA report within 2 days for all GMP routine work

QC Check

Guaranteed 100% QC check of every result

Customised Service

Fast, reliable service customised to your needs

Process Support

Full process control support / trending if required

Continuous real-time Validation (CrtV) for GMP

Quantics employs an innovative approach to ensure each and every calculation meets the highest quality standards: Continuous real-time Validation (CrtV).

CrtV employs a programming technique known as Diverse Self-Checking Pairs (DSCP). Each analysis is programmed in two different programming languages by two different programmers. Each result is cross-checked between the two branches, and only if the results match are they considered valid.

From a QA perspective, this means the process is robust to bugs or errors in software: an error in one branch would cause a mismatch, and the results rejected before they can cause harm. For buggy code to produce incorrectly matching results, a different error must occur in each branch while still producing the same result. Needless to say, this is extremely unlikely.

And, from a QC perspective, CrtV means every result – not just a subset – is checked for validity.

CrtV provides an efficient and robust route to the highest quality standards, meaning it is the optimal solution for GMP-compliant analyses.

You can find out more about the benefits of CrtV here.


Get in Touch!

Want to find out more about how Quantics can support your GMP statistics? Book a discovery call with our Customer Experience Manager, Andy Rust, using the form below!

Our Bioassay Blog

Oct 31
Oct 28

Building your Bioassay I (with RoukenBio)

The bioassay development cycle can be a long and winding road, with vital decisions at every stage of the process. Choosing the wrong path can mean hours of wasted effort and vast amounts of unncessary spending, while prudent choices can lead to an optimal assay, saving you time and... read more →
Oct 01