In an ideal world, a single randomized controlled trial (RCT) would be used to compare and evaluate the individual treatment effects for all possible treatments of interest. Of course, this... read more →
What do ISS & ISE mean? ISS & ISE stand for integrated summary of safety and integrated summary of effectiveness, respectively. These are not merely summaries, as the... read more →
We have discussed Handling Missing Data in Clinical Trials elsewhere, and mentioned a kind of missing data known as ‘censoring’. In this blog we focus on techniques for dealing... read more →
In this post we examine the statistical software available for conducting Bayesian network meta-analyses (NMA). The first two sections provide some background information and a review of the available... read more →
Recently our team at Quantics were working on an analysis for an ecotoxicology client which called for us to use the Jonckheere-Terpstra test for ordered differences which is recommended... read more →